Saturday, August 4

Mundane affairs

Do you go through your days without remembering much about it? You wake up in the morning, get ready for work, drive through traffic to work, spend the whole day at work, drive home through traffic, spend some time with your family, if you have one, else spend some time eating dinner alone in front of the TV. Then you go to sleep and repeat the whole process again the next day.

After a while, you get used to your routine and you don't even think about it anymore. It's like you're on autopilot. And I know people who have been doing this for years. The same old thing for more than 10 years.

Personally, I think it terrifies me. Simply terrifying.

Because I'm on the same road as those people.

There are times in my life when I reflect upon it before I go to sleep at night (when you sleep alone, you tend to think a lot before you go to sleep). I would lie down on my big bed, contemplating about my plans, and wondering about the future. And sometimes I think about my day, and the day before, and realised that nothing much is happening to me. Oh, don't get me wrong now, I do get the occasional excitement and fun. I do something different sometimes, like instead of eating oatmeal for lunch, I eat Chipsmore or Oreos. And of course there is always the TV shows to excite me enough for the night.

Pathetic isn't it?

I think we all go through a period of time where life seems hardly exciting anymore. Where you have reach a level that indicates that you've been living in this world for way too long, when the truth is you barely even scratch the surface. And there you are, doing the things you do day in and day out, not realising that there is more to life than just doing the things that you do. Make sense? Probably not.

And so, you try to add some spice into your life. You do things differently, you join a club, you do some charity work, you go for trips. But in the end, you're always back at square one, doing the same things you normally do. But at least you're trying right? You're not just idling away and letting your life floats away, just like that. So the effort must have count for something, in a way.

Mundane life. That's what we all go through sometimes at certain periods of our life. But you know what, it doesn't have to be that way. Don't let it be mundane. Fill it with happiness, fill it with excitements. Fill it with friends and laughter. Fill it with love.

Just fill it.


ManaL said...

Those who have been through a lot of adventures or traumatic episodes would love to be in your shoes. Consider urself lucky that u dont have to suffer some terminal illness or in the middle of family conflicts or a war-stricken country.

Maybe u can set some challenges, personal one of course like u gonna save some money and annual leaves for some exciting holiday/globe-trotting, achieving certain weight or athletic physique so u can join some marathon or mountaineering or woteva floats ur boat. That way, ur thoughts/fantasies wont be wasted everytime u go to sleep. Maybe u can write those thoughts down in a personal logbook and make ur own muhasabah (i.e. self-reflection).

Some people lives on strict planning and some just take things easy. U r what u wanna be, mate!

ardy said...

Yeah, that's true, you are what you wanna be.

Problem is, most of the time, I'm not sure what I wanna be. Heck, I'm not even sure what I wanna do most of the time.

Of course, having heaps of money might help ;)

all jazzed up said...

Ardy, i've sort of grown accustomed to this routine in spite of me realizing it much earlier in life. that was the reason for my big D too... i made someone comfortable with that routine, at my expense. But yeah, you're right, fill it with love and friends... :)

anaiis said...

Hola ardy, cest la vie, so they say. I bet it's the same for all the people out there, the difference is how we deal with it. Me - life is a tad boring here and there, a tad too interesting at times and it's a wonder I'm still living ;)

Arin said...

Thanks for dropping by my is alif contact no..he's getting married early september.. ( 013-3628505)

IBU said...

Hello bro

I blog hop fro Hazyr (my junior from school). Love your writing, keep 'em coming.

By the way, remember we're approaching jobless economic growth soon. So don't forget to count our blessings for the mundane working life we have. Perhaps, you are progressing to the next level of maslow's hierarchy maybe?

Whatever it is, remember what chesire puss said to Alice in response to her question on which way to take when she got lost in Wonderland: "It doesn't matter which way you take if you don't where you want to go".

Sometimes, in fact a lot of times, what we are doing now is part of journey towards another further destination.



Vkin said...

Well, at least you are doing something different now - blogging as well ;)

How are the kittens btw? Sounded like some horror movie story.

Marliza Radzi said...

fill it, I will :)

nachos said...

it looks like you need to "mencari cinta" la dude..hih hih.

ardy said...


Things can only get better, right? ;) Nothing wrong with having a routine actually, it gives us the sense of security, in a way.


Yup, I guess that's what separate the sane and the insane (I have a feeling that I'm bordering towards insane)

ardy said...


Thanks! I should give him a call then, I wouldn't want to miss his wedding now! (to think that he's getting married before me! argh!)


Thanks :) The puss is right, of course. When I get lost on the road, I will just follow the car in front of me, because the theory is, at least the driver of that car knows where he is going, right? Of course, most of the time, I just ended up being someplace where I had no intention of going to in the first place. But hey, at least I'm somewhere! ;)

Okay, that doesn't make sense too.

ardy said...


Hehe, yeah, it's definitely something new to me! :)

The kittens are doing fine. It's a horror/mystery movie, until now I haven't solve the crime!


Just don't overfilled though ;) hehe

ardy said...


Yeah! Reality shows rule! Hehe ;)