Friday, August 3

Flying without wings

I was thinking that I might fly today. Just to defy the laws of physics. Just to defy gravity and E=mc2. Let see what they will say then when they see me coasting through the blue sky, with the wind beneath me and my long messy hair scattering behind me. And I will laugh gleefully as I fly by her, and circle a few times around her.

And then I will shoot upwards, and see her disappearing below me. Higher and higher I will fly, where the air is thinner, and the pressure is lower, and my nose starts to bleed. And when tears of blood start trickling down my cheeks, I will pause in midair, take a long good look around, and let myself fall.

No, not gently, but in a rush of wind, with clouds passing by me like a waft of smoke, where potential energy turns into kinetic energy, and I will reach terminal velocity. And in a matter of seconds, I will be beside her again.

In a splatter.

"Honey, I'm back!" I would tell her if I can locate my brain.

(20th January 2006)


nachos said...

yikes..such a powerful entry. you sure have some great imagination. wish i can fly that i can just fly away esp when the going gets really tough. tp berangan je la yek..hi hi. and psstt..your hair really long arrr?

ManaL said...

NI kisa apa ni? excerpt from a fantasy book ke some smallville wannabe?

*I used to fantasize on the ability to fly around when i was in primary schools.

ardy said...


I used to keep long hair, really messy and long. Kinda like the 'I don't care how I look' image.


Now, wouldn't it be nice if I can be Clark? With that great body and that messy hair (I once tried to do his hair style, to horrid results!).

all jazzed up said...

very dark ending :)

ardy said...


I guess that was my state of mind at that time.