Monday, August 6

The lost soul

When did it happened?
It was a long time ago
when the body perished
so the soul wandered


Searching for the white light
But instead being blinded by colorful and bright light
So the soul stole a pair of sunglasses from an old man near the seaside
And the light dimmed significantly

So the quest continues
looking for the one white light
that will redeem the soul from the brightness of the sun
and bring total darkness
shrivelling the soul nakedness
leaving the soul with soothing joy and redemption
Forever free from the light.


ManaL said...

I AM LOST....whatsit all about, mate? tukar bulb baru la kalau yea pon...go for the energy-saving yet bright one. That'll do.

Hazyr said...

I'm lost too.. I'm so literaturely illiterate!

(1119 pun dpt C3..hehe..)

coolasais said...

r u talking about christina ronaldo? or tore-ass?

nachos said...

mula-mula cam syahdu..sampai part curi sunglass orang tua tu, jadi kelakar pulak. really didnt get you man. but still interesting..

nachos said...

somehow..i cannot help but imagine you tgh terbang rambut panjang whn reading your "lost soul". wahaha. reminds me of a long lost friend si kodi frizzy..sorry mate.

ardy said...


I can be crazy sometimes. But I like the bulb idea ;)


C3 aint that bad. And you're not supposed to understand it anyway ;)

ardy said...


I think you're a bit lost mate! Of course Christina can lick Torres anytime!


Sounds like a pontianak to me! Heheh.