Monday, December 31


Got tagged by Bakawali and Seademon.

1. How has 2007 been for you in a nutshell?
Delicious and exciting

2. Apart from your family members, name one person who has made you happy in 2007.

3. Do you feel you are better off, or worse off, in 2007 than you were in 2006?
Definitely better, especially since I’m way better looking now than in 2006.

4. Where was the best holiday trip for you in 2007?
My best trip would be the two weeks Cambodia/Vietnam backpacking trip. But the most memorable one would be the Pulau Sembilan cruise.

5. Name two positive things that you have achieved in 2007
I look more like McDreamy now, have a sexual appetite that can rival McSteamy, and an innocence that is almost like McVet.

6. Name the best movie you saw in 2007.
This is a tough one. One of the best would be Stardust.

7. Name five friends that you have made in 2007.
Lynn, Khaz, Rahmat, Najib and Avhtar.

8. What New Year’s resolution for 2007 that you have not achieved?
To make my first million by the time I’m 30.

9. What would your New Year’s resolution for 2008 be?
To make the first million by the time I’m 31.

10. Name 3 people you would like to tag.
I’ll pass on this one.


IBU said...

Happy New Year! God bless

I like ur new yr reso #8 & #9. That's the spirit. don't up. tee hee hee...

p/s don't forget i've been ur blog reader before u make that 1st mil eh? That must be rewarded when u hit the jackpot. muahaha...

IBU said...

meant to type 'don't GIVE up'. urghh... thinking faster than typing leh.

ardy said...


Happy New Year to you too :) I'm still far away from the million target, but let's hope for the best! :)