Thursday, December 6

The other side of the coin

We are, by nature, a bunch of pessimist. We are also selfish, and would rather hurt others to get ourselves to a better position in the hierarchy, be it at work, or in social standings. We look at things negatively, always complaining and never thankful enough for what we have in the first place.

I think that is the problem plaguing humankind nowadays. That is why so many people are unhappy. That is why we go to war with other nations. That is why there are way too many crimes happening all around us. And that is why, we will end up destroying the earth, one of these days.

Sure, the government sucks. Which government doesn't suck? I'm sure if the opposition run the country, it's going to end up pretty much the same, if not worse. Corruption, red tapes, finger pointing, those are the essence of a government. We learnt it all in our history lessons, over and over again. We know why things never work as they are supposed to. We know why billion dollars project went ashtray when the money has already been pumped into it. And we know why the people are staging protest over protest, demonstrating their displeasure and unhappiness on how things are shaping up.

Yes, we have a choice. We can fight, and we can sit quietly, and go about our business. We can complain and bitch about this minister, or that minister, over a cup of teh tarik at our favourite mamak hangouts. We are paying taxes, and we have the right to know what is happening with our money.

Look around. Do you not see the road, even if it is a bloody mess and filled with potholes? Do you not see the schools, the houses, the hospitals and the malls? Do you not see the buses, the lrts, the trains and the cars? And do you not see the factories and the offices and the tall buildings around you?

It's always the same for us everyday. We wake up and we go to work and we come back home after work. At the end of the month, we get paid, and we spend our wages to get by, we pay the home loan, car loan, credit cards and we shop at the malls. We cheer for our favourite football team, we hang out with friends till late at night, we go on holidays around the country, and sometimes abroad, and we join the local gym so that we can look good and feel good about ourselves. Sure, the pay is not that much, but we still get by every month. It might be tight sometimes, but what is life without a few challenges?

If only we can cherish what we have, if only we can be thankful with what we have, instead of being jealous and bitter because someone else is having a better life than we are, then we would be a lot happier. So life is tough, what's new? People everywhere all over the world would kill to be in your shoes. You don't believe me?

Next time you see someone really poor, ask him.

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