Friday, December 14

Friday teaser

It’s been a cold gloomy Friday, and I can feel my brain freezes over, clanking away mechanically at work. It’s been raining all day long, and at places not far away from here, people are being made homeless and trapped because of the floods. It’s a depressing thought!

So let’s get that brain of yours working a bit, and try to solve this puzzles and questions below.

  1. There are four seats in a row at a concert. Philip will sit next to Sally, but not next to Gerald. If Gerald will not sit next to John, who is sitting next to John?

  2. How many minutes is it before six o’clock if fifty minutes ago it was four times as many minutes past three o’clock?

  3. How many odd pages are there in a book 479 pages long?

  4. A soldier has been captured by the enemy. He has been so braved that they offer to let him choose how he wants to be killed. They tell him, “If you tell a lie, you will be shot, and if you tell the truth, you will be hanged.” He can make only one statement. He makes the statement and goes free. What did he say?

  5. How many months have twenty-eight days?

See how many can you answer correctly. Answers will be posted up next week.


Anonymous said...

yo bro, it's friday and i'm having a terrible migraine. i'm not even wanna try to solve the puzzles. hiihihiihihiii...

~ said...

no 5 : 12 months have 28 days....

the other questions... nanti lah i pikir :D

at 2145hr, i'm still in the office (damn, it's more than 12 hrs already)

Spena said...

ardy- i just sat for a 3hours internal exam for the co. Nak pecah kepala. tak larat nak pikir lagi dah...

Bakawali said...

1. Philip

2. 26 minutes

3. 240 pages

4. I dunno this one. English has not been my forte previously...

5. 12 months (all months have 28 days or more)

p.s got any prize ke for the most correct answer???

zewt said...

1) phillip or sally?

2) lazy to thinkt the moment

3) lazy to think.

4) this is interesting, i would like to know the answer.

5) aiyah... all la.

Anonymous said...

1.John F SeaDemon

2.It depends on which time zone you're in fifty minutes ago, and which time zone you are in now.

3.E-book? None.

4.F*** me

5.What months? Do you go by Gregorian or Lunar? If you go by Lunar month, the answer is NONE. Each lunar month has 29.531 days. If you go by Gregorian, then all months have 28 days or more.

najibest said...

1. philip
2. 26 minutes
3. 240
4. he said nothing
5. all of 'em

Marliza Radzi said...

nak jawapan (dasar pemalas). ngeeee.

eh the header is cool!

Cosmic_GurL said...

My god! It's a Monday and my brain cant seem to function to answer your ques..hehehehe..

Selamat Hari Raya AidilAdha Ardy :))

ardy said...


Doing puzzles is a good cure for migraine, heheh.


Well, at least you got that one right. Babe, you need to stop working late and spend more time for yourself.

ardy said...


Heheh, hope you aced that exam!


That's 4/5 correct. I'm impressed ;) Btw, your prize will reach you in a couple of days time.

ardy said...


1 and 1/2. And I thought you like doing puzzles ;)


Okay, you are totally outside of the box now.

ardy said...


Another one with 4/5! Impressive!


Thanks! Someone did the header for me :)


Enjoy your AidilAdha in Kuching!

najibest said...


my new answer for #4:
"i will be shot"

p/s:i know i'm cheating here but really can't stand not knowing the answer heh :)

ardy said...


Hahah, you got it right. Did you google the answer?

zewt said...

not when i have to do it... haha... oh well...

Anonymous said...

Najibest...where got road play play Google! Hahaha!

najibest said...


guilty as charged, sorry bro, just can't help myself :(

ardy said...


Heheh, maybe next time eh?


He's impatience, that's why.


Cheater! Heheh.