Wednesday, October 3

Oceanful of tears

Sometimes, crying is the best thing to do in times of distress and sadness. Some people view crying as a sign of weakness, a vulnerability. But to me, it is a sign of strength, and acknowledgement. Knowing that you are hurt deeply, and being awashed by waves of emotions.

The sorrow can be bottomless at times. We let ourselves float in a sea of sorrow, drifting away in a shoreless ocean, staring into oblivion. Time and time again we try to swim towards the shore, only realizing that all we can see around us are the vast ocean up to the horizon. And so we let ourselves lulled away by the gentle breeze and the smell of the ocean.

And we let our grief eats away our hope, leaving us aimless and hopeless in a world of sorrow. It seems a whole lot easier to just drift away, and sleep for eternity, being engulf by the ocean.

But let the tears flow freely. Let the emotions overwhelmed us. Let the sorrow clouds over our soul. Because one day, one day, we will realize, that there is no such things as a never-ending sorrow, as there is no such thing as a shoreless ocean.

And our tears, let it fall. Let it roll down our cheek, and drop into the ocean. Let it be one with the sea. Tears belong to the sea, as the sun belongs to you and me. Our heart is bleeding and wounded. Our soul is lost and hurt. And maybe, just maybe, the salt in our tears and the sea will help to heal the open wound in our heart, and keep our soul alive.

Because, believe me, we can cry an oceanful of tears. And we can be sad and unhappy our whole lifetime. But when the time arrives, we need to look for the shore, and swim towards it. And let the salt in our tears remind us of the ocean, and the brief period when we were drifting in it nursing our wounded heart.

"There must be something strangely sacred in salt. It is in our tears and in the sea."
- Kahlil Gibran


zewt said...

there is no shame in sheding tears... indeed... it's a sign of strength.

Anonymous said...

I did that a lot for about a month starting on my birthday.

Now I have hypertension.

Spena said...

Ardy -let's cry together. By the way, they said, when you cry it cleans your eye and you won't have eye sight problem. hehehe

Hazyr said...

Ksk Spena,

I don't think it's true la.. I cried buckets and buckets in 2002 and again in 2004 but I'm still wearing contact lens now! :)

Anonymous said... need to cry more. Start chopping onions!

Cik Puan Sri Quzz said...

..u cry?
ahh..dont worry, real men cry...
now make a date, see me at mentari McD, u will never shed no tears..

ardy said...


Yup, real men cry. Even the tough ones.


Everything should be in moderation, including crying.

ardy said...


Let's do so! ;) I guess I need to cry more than, just to clean the eyes, heheh.


You should have bottled those tears and sell them instead! You could have been rich ;)

ardy said...


She doesn't need to chop onions, she cries easily, even while watching CSI!


I go there everynight to flirt with the cute girl at the counter ;)

Anonymous said...

a man is still a man even when he cries, including among other things.

ManaL said...

Wot about crocodile tears then? thats a "shoddy" form of crying too....

Sometimes crying our heart out for like 1 hour felt like a therapeutic moment rather than bottled up anger or unwanted anxeity. But then, i need a few tissues too what with all that snorts and fluid coming out of the nostrils.

Ardy, so this "big boys dont cry" no longer hold any purpose these days then?

Hazyr said...


not CSI la, the simpsons! but then again..maybe csi too..and smallvilee..and alias..and ally McBeal..and..

Man, thank god those days were over. Otherwise I would have run out of tears already! :)

ardy said...




I guess it all starts with the footballers, what with them crying openly after losing (read: Christina Ronaldo) and suddenly, a crying man now is a sensitive new age macho man. Heh!


I don't think anyone can ever run out of tears, except for Kassim Selamat, who cried blood and became blind because of it.

all jazzed up said...

Ardy, someone told me I look hot when I cry. Does that make him a pervert? And I love Kahlil Gibran :)

ardy said...


Unless you're crying when you're reaching orgasm, then yes, he's a pervert ;) And Kahlil Gibran can make me weep, and climax at the same time!