Monday, October 8

What's in the bag?

Yet another tag. This time from Lily and Spena. A double tag, so I guess I have to do it.

5 things in my bag (gym bag, since I dont use a handbag)

1. My trusted green pallas jazz
2. Clean pair of underwear
3. Gatsby deodorant (got it free from Sportsbarn)
4. Head & Shoulder shampoo (Menthol)
5. A small padlock

5 things in my wallet

1. Identity card
2. Gym card
3. Small calender
4. Driving license
5. Train timetable (Clayton to city)

5 Favorite things in my bedroom

1. My hundreds of books
2. My TV remote control
3. My CDs collections
4. My TV
5. A map of the world on my wall

5 Things I wish to do (in no particular order)

1. Start diving
2. Have sex
3. Form a band
4. Travel the world
5. Skydiving

5 Things I am doing now

1. Using SAP to generate the stock report (I'm still at work)
2. Browsing through Soccernet
3. Trying to figure out Facebook
4. Thinking about sex
5. Typing this line.

And I won't be tagging anyone, since everyone I know has already completed this tag.


Bakawali said...

Things you want to do....
1. Start diving ( Heheheh... done that....This is going to be my 4th year diving)

2. Have sex 4. Travel the world (hmmm... looks like what I want to do too but no 4... NO MONEY!!!)

3. Form a band (That was my dream when I was in school)

5. skydiving (wish to do so but scared of heights.....)

ardy said...


Maybe I can help you with no. 2, since we both desire the same thing here ;)

Bakawali said...

hee hee hee.....

Cik Puan Sri Quzz said...

i think u r interesting..

ardy said...


That sounds like a yes to me ;)


Wanna join in the fun? ;)

Bakawali said...

hahahah..... a threesome....hmmmmm

Marliza Radzi said...

I haven't.

But I've been tagged banyak kali dah. tak terbuat-buat lagi.

anyways, selamat hari raya, ardy! maaf zahir & batin!

Cik Puan Sri Quzz said...

bole je ( tunggu kat McD tak nampak2 batang idung..lagi nak suruh join..)

ardy said...


Thanks Am. Selamat Hari Raya to you too :)


Maybe our timing sucks. But let's meet up after Raya :)