Thursday, July 26

Drowning on dry land

Some quotes from this week's episode:

Meredith: [narrating] Like I said, disappearances happen. Pains go phantom. Blood stops running and people, people fade away. There's more I have to say, so much more, but... I disappeared.

George: Do you know how massive this hospital is? How people - not just sick people - not to mention if I'm a little kid, how places can I hide? He's little. He's... a little kid can hide anywhere.
Alex: You're lookin' for a kid?
George: Yeah. His mom's in surgery and if I don't find this kid Bailey is going to change her son's middle name to Elvis or Tupperware... anything will be better than George.
Alex: I know where a kid might be.
George: Really?

Izzie: I'm gonna need a drill.
Friend: I got one in my trunk.
Other friend: What do you need a drill for?
Izzie: I gotta drill holes in your friend's head.

Alex: I would notice.
Addison: What?
Alex: I would notice...if you were missing, I would notice.

Izzie: People die in front of us everyday. But I believe Meredith will survive this. I believe, I believe, I... I believe in the good. I believe that it's been a hell of a year and I believe that, in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that we will be okay. I believe a lot of things. I believe that... I believe that Denny is always with me... and I believe that if I eat a tub of butter and no one sees, that the calories don't count. And I believe that surgeons who prefer staples over stitches are just lazy. And I believe that you are a man that made a terrible mistake marrying Callie and I believe that because I'm your best friend I can tell you this and we can be okay. I believe that even though you made this mistake you will be okay. I believe we survive, George. I believe that believing we survive... is what makes us survive.


Marliza Radzi said...

I like Izzie's lines! so so much! and like Izzie, I believe in the good too :-)

jannah said...

bloghopping and found your blog. Really like Izzie's line. Try to find the line and found it in your blog. Can i copy it in my blog? I love Grey Anatomy. And like Am I do believe in the good too.

ardy said...


I had goosebumps when she made that speech! Because it is so true! :)


Yup, feel free to copy the line (it's not mine to begin with anyway) ;) Spread the love, I would put it.

jannah said...
