Thursday, September 27

Testing 1-2-3

Can you feel it? The end is near. There is only one more episode left for the season. And I will be damned if I miss it next week. You shouldn't too, cause it's going to be a cracker!

Some quotes from this week's episode:

Meredith [narrating]: A surgeon's education never ends. Every patient, every symptom, every operation... is a test. A chance for us to demonstrate how much we know. And how much more we have to learn.

Burke: I was... Going to ask you.
Derek: Ask me what?
Derek: Really?
Burke: We have been through a lot this year.
Derek: And everybody else turned you down. Oh, what do I have to do?
Richard: Well, traditionally the best man plans the bachelor party.
Derek: Drinks at Joe's after work?
Burke: Yeah. I knew you were the man for the job.

Derek: Nice work, Dr. Montgomery.
Addison: Oh, thanks. I was just directing traffic.
Derek: I was being sarcastic.
Addison: Oh, like brain surgery is so impressive.
Derek: It is, actually.

George: I can't stay here. I can't...
Izzie: No one's making you go.
George: Stay here and see you every day... And not...I can't keep kissing you in elevators.
Izzie: I know. I know that.
George: I'm married. I'm a married man.

Richard: You're not to blame for Susan Grey's death, and you know it, and your father knows it, too. He's just...
Well, he's never been the best communicator, and he just lost his wife.
Meredith: Stop acting like my surrogate father.
Richard: Meredith, I'm...just...
Meredith: Because you slept with my mother, that does not make you my father.

George: It's like we're on a train that's going 200 miles an hour, and it would just be so nice to get off and just...stand on the platform, just for a minute.
Meredith: Looks like I'm off the train.
George: Our parents died. When a parent dies, it doesn't make any sense. So you make a lot of really terrible decisions...that you're gonna end up having to live with for a long time.
Meredith: You should go. You are still on the train. It's okay. You have to go. Go. Go. Go, go.

Addison: I am being stalked by pregnant women.
Callie: You're an obstetrician.
Addison: And barren. You know, apparently as a healthy, successful woman in her 30s, I don't deserve to have a baby. Maybe I'd have a fighting chance if were gay or a teenager or a member of the AARP.
Callie: Oh, that sucks. It really...
Addison: No, Oh, no, not you, too.
Callie: Oh, no, no, I'm not. I'm just...I'm thinking about it. That's all. Oh, I don't know. I don't even know. It's just that with George going to Mercy West next year...
Addison: He is?
Callie: Yeah, they have a spot for him, and we need a fresh start. We need to get away from all this crap. It might be a good time.
Addison: It's a great time. Don't let me and my fossilized eggs discourage you.
Callie: Are we gonna be friends still if I get pregnant?
Addison: Absolutely not.

Burke: Hey.
Addison: Hey. This is what you invited me to? This is your big bachelor party?
Derek: It was last-minute. I needed some warm bodies.
Mark: Which would explain why I'm here.
Addison: Why am I the only girl, by the way? What am I, the entertainment? I am not stripping. Derek: That's okay. We've seen it already.
Mark: True.
Burke: I haven't.

Cristina: What the hell am I supposed to do about the stupid vows?
Meredith: You still haven't written anything?
Cristina: Well, it's stupid crap.
Izzie: No, it isn't.
Cristina: Well, what am I supposed to say? I swear to love and cherish you every moment of every day of my life? I mean, that's not real. I mean, that's not how it works, right?
Callie: It does, at first, but then it...
Meredith: It passes.
Izzie: No, it doesn't. You guys are just used to it. That's all. You already have it. You have that thing everybody else wants. You can take it for granted. But let me tell you, if you didn't, if you couldn't be with the person that you love, I guarantee that hearing him promise to love you and honor you and cherish you, no matter what, it would be pretty much all you could think about.
Cristina: Wait, can you say that again, uh, just slowly?
Meredith: You're talking about Denny, right?
Izzie: Yeah.

Woman: Hi.
Derek: Hi.
Woman: Can I buy you a drink?
Derek: You're forward.
Woman: Bad day, I get to be forward today.
Derek: Yeah, I had a bad day, too.
Woman: So what do you say, one drink?
Derek: Um... I'm with some friends. It's a bachelor party. So I'm gonna... I'm gonna say no.
Woman: That's too bad.
Derek: Yeah... maybe you're right.


zewt said...

i am dyin to watch season 4... the new doc is...HOT!

Marliza Radzi said...

Meredith's little sister!!!

season 4 is going to be hot!!! cepatla cepatla.

ManaL said...

ardy, check my comment on the 1st kiss entry.

ardy said...


Hell yeah!! :)


I think McDreamy might switch allegiance, little sister means younger and hotter (and maybe not so crazy!)


Didn't know that you're very talented ;) Can I be your apprentice?

ManaL said...

Eh eh..... ;-P

23 and fast forward to a colourful world of me...

Do i need to "fire" u if u failed your given assignment?

ardy said...


I'd rather be spanked instead ;)