Monday, September 17

Broom freak

I am obsessed with cleaning products. Be it brooms, mops, floor cleaners, all-purpose magic cleaners, and a lot more. I have 5 different brooms at home - a lidi broom, one of those paddy broom, 2 all terrain hard brooms (one for indoors and one for outdoors) and one of those normal broom that you can find in a classroom 20 years ago (I bought it just because it reminded me of my sweeping-days when I was in school).

And recently, I just added another broom in my collection. This particular broom is unique, as its head is sponge-like, and it was made in Japan. Well, that was what the salesgirl in my local pasar malam told me. For RM20, I get the broom, and an extra head (the head is detachable). Being a sucker to brooms, and being told by the salesgirl that there were only two brooms left, I immediately purchased the broom.

Nothing wrong with having too many brooms, right?

I also have an assorted of mops, all in different sizes and colours. I especially like the magic mop, because it is very easy to use, and I don't even have to get my hands wet. Very convenient for a quick clean-up, especially after my kitten misbehaved around the house.

As for floor cleaners, I am currently using Ajax Fabuloso, because I got suckered by the advertisement. The woman in the commercial looked so happy and blissful after mopping her floor, and she seemed to be the envy of her neighbours. So I thought, maybe I can be happy if I use the same product as she did. Of course, I didn't get the same effect that I wanted, but at least my floor smells nice.

And there is also Mr. Muscle, the all-purpose cleaner (again, I got it because of the commercial). Previously, I was using Easy-Off Bang, but I found that the liquid irritates my skin. Upon checking the instruction at the back of the bottle, I was supposed to wear gloves when using the thing, and I found that inconvenient. I also have an assortment of window cleaners, leather polishers and dishwashers. Some of these are still unused. Maybe I should open my own cleaning company, with the amount of cleaning products that I have.

Of course, having all these does not mean that I use them all the time. Buying, and using, are two different things. I love to clean, but sometimes, my laziness gets the better of me. But it's good to know that anytime that I feel like cleaning the house, I have all the tools and cleaners at my disposal.

And looking at the rate I'm buying them, pretty soon I'll need a whole store room just to keep them.


all jazzed up said...

Maybe you were a witch in your previous life. Hehehe.. brooms.. geddit?

Marliza Radzi said...

completely off topic: Izzie won the Emmy woohoo!

ardy said...


Yeah, that explains a lot, actually! ;)


Yay Izzie! :)

coolasais said...

aha really good timing...

i need somebody to clean my apt!

ada berani?