Monday, September 24

Interlude (3)

"Can you find it in your heart to love me?" I asked her.

And she looked at me, long and hard. Probably seeking something, seeking some sort of confirmation. And probably thinking. Thinking about us. I can see it in her eyes. I can see my sad face reflected in her eyes.

And then and there, I knew. She might love me, even if it was just a bit, but her love was out of pity. Not what I seek, not what I wanted. She pitied me, for loving her with all my heart, for carrying her so high in my life. For putting her above everything else. And I yearned for that love to be returned. But what I want, is not what she wants.

Not in this lifetime anyway.

"It's okay. You don't have to answer me. I understand", I lied to her. In truth, I wanted her to love me so much that it hurts. And no, I didn't understand. I can never understand.

But hurt her I will not do. Even if it means shattering my heart into a million pieces.

And I shall carry the shards of my broken heart with me till the end of my life. Let it be a reminder, to the love that was never returned.


coolasais said...

Perhaps love is like a resting place,
A shelter from the storm,
It exists to give you comfort,
It is there to keep you warm,
And in those times of trouble,
When you are most alone
The memory of love will bring you home,

And some say love is holding on
And some say letting go
And some say love is everything
And some say they don't know

- "Perhaps Love" by John Denver & Placido Damingo

ardy said...


Dude, that was deep! Didn't know you're that deep ;)

all jazzed up said...

ardy, heartbreaking. but we all do move on right? :)

ardy said...


Yeah. It's just a matter of time :)

coolasais said...

oh man,

i thought i'm the shallowest guy around!

ha ha ha. ;-)

ardy said...


That's the thing! You're supposed to be shallow! :p