Saturday, December 6

When fine is not good enough

So everything is not fine?

Things are not going the way you wanted them to be. Your life seems like a big hole, there's nothing concrete, there is no substance, there is no meaning at all. You grasp for something tangible, something real, but all you get is a shadow of your great self. Just a wisp of something you imagine you would be, and that's all you have.

Nothing more, nothing less.

So you seek deeper, you seek for your inner self. You seek for the meaning of life. You demand some answers, you demand justice.

But you don't even know the questions.

All you know, the answer might be 42. That's what the book says. The question is not important. You can travel the whole galaxy looking for the answer, but in the end, it will always be 42.

But that is besides the point.

Do you notice how people always ended up saying that they are fine when asked about their well-being? You ask them "how are you?", and most of the time, the immediate answer is "I'm fine, thanks". That's the simplest way to answer it anyway. No more explanation is needed, and you're not even sure if they were sincere when asking you in the first place.

The truth is, you're not fine. You are never fine. Things might be fine for a while, but in the long run, you always get back to where you started, which is nowhere. So how the hell do you get away from nowhere? You seem to be moving in circles, you can go a thousand miles away, yet you always return to the exact spot where you began. You seek for that place, for that piece of puzzle to complete your life, to complete yourself, and most importantly, you seek for something that means everything to you.

So in the end, what do you seek?

Extraordinary, and not just fine. But where do you find it?

Now that, is the question to the answer.


Anonymous said...

You got to be brave to find the 'extraordinary'. You got to step out of your comfort zone. You got to take risks, lots of risk.I learned to take risks in some areas (not all yet) and so far, it pays. Even if it hurts for a while but it does give a GREAT feeling after that.Because we are in control of our lives. Not others.

For me, if people were to ask me, my answer will always be either "I'm good, great or excellent".
"I'm fine" means we are just a normal person. And I'm not.

Hazyr said...

Oh, I can still remember that Hitchhiker book.. hillarious and mind-boggling!

A very good read especially sebab buku pinjam kan? :)

p/s I've bought A thousand splendid suns, khaled hoseeini 2nd book (paperbag ler kan) if you want to borrow later..

v k i n i s m said...

That book! That movie! It was simply not my kind of story! It sucks and was meaningless!

Everyday everyone (and they may not be someone you know!) you meet here ask you "Howz it going", "How are you", "Howz your day" without really the desire to find out truly. It's just the way they say "Hello" here.... Took so long for me to get used to it and stick with the standard simple answer "Good thanks, and you?", and then you get the standard answers back. Quite frustrating and meaningful kind of greeting, but it's the norm here... so what to do... have to ask if fine and tell that i'm fine loh...

So the extraordinary Ardy, how are you? ;)

ardy said...


I couldn't agree more.


You should finish the whole series. Interested? I have them all.


The movie sucks, but not the book though ;)And I am fine, thanks for asking :)